Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Mentoring And Manicures: Why Is Women's Networking So Girly?

From “Mentoring, Role Models and Manicures,” and “Cocktails and Conversation,” to trunk shows,sample sales and even Botox injections, it’s no new trend that networking events for women take advantage of our girlier sides to get us in the door.
Are we really so silly to fall for the bait-and-switch of a free manicure or massage to sit through an evening of panels and card-passing? Does women’s networking even need this sugar-coating?
New-girl-on-the women’s biz beatblock The Jane Dough called out aparticularly glaring example of the confusing nature of such events.
A women’s club shopping event mashup recently took place at Manhattan’s Saks Fifth Avenue for junior women of one of the city’s “top investment banks.” The women were treated to style tips of their senior female colleagues (“pale manicures,” “no wet hair,”) and then shown a fashion show of not-so-workplace appropriate Saks looks on oh-so-skinny models. ““Don’t worry how short it looks,” they were told. “These models are very tall.”
Not surprisingly, the young associated saw right through the Project Runway vibe. “I think it’s catering to an old style of feminism,” one said.
The conflicts are almost too many to count. On one hand, you’re being told to keep your attire muted, to make your femininity blend in. But on the other hand, you’re sitting in one of New York’s most expensive department stores, only there because you’re a woman. It’s an event that’s supposed to be pro-women, teaching you partially to conform to some of the male behaviors that predominate Wall Street culture, but also shoving clothes in your face.
Jane Dough writer Hillary Reinsberg tapped a senior voice on Wall Street for her opinion of the lighter side of ladies’ networking. Is the idea that young women need to be lured in with beauty or Manolo Blahnicks an outdated one—are aging event organizers blindly grasping to cater to our youth, or are they doing us a fashion favor?
The answer, according to the executive, seems a bit of both. It’s important for young women to take just about any opportunity to network, she told Reinsberg, but something more substantive than a fashion show might serve a firm—and an eager employee–better. Of course, she says, there’s always the possibility that your higher ups think a fashion show is precisely what you clueless junior women need. “I do hear often that from the higher level, that the women right out of college and grad school, really aren’t dressed appropriately.”

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